Artist Statement

I love wild places. They penetrate my soul and uplift my spirit like nothing else on earth. I return to them year-in and year-out for renewal like a migrating bird driven by instinct. The farther I venture into them, the deeper I fall in love with them.

Although “wild” by nature, these places give me comfort. They calm the beast in me. And quell the chaos of modern living. They are where I feel most at peace with myself. What laws of nature frame such an enigmatic contradiction? I do not know. It is one of those unsolved mysteries of life that photographers like myself are left in solitude to ponder on film. A mystery for which I have no desire to find an answer, but merely delight in exploring.

To me, wild places are a sanctuary for people, not just a refuge for wildlife. It is my unconditional love for them that brackets the goals of my photography. They are as follows:

  • Stir the body, mind and soul of the viewer.
  • Move people to save wild places through greater appreciation of them.
  • Convey an altruistic message that has broad viewer appeal.
  • Focus on a subject to which everybody can relate.
  • Create excellent art that captures the imagination.
  • Travel to specific locales that are inspiring.
  • Preserve wild places threatened by development and human encroachment.
  • Generate funds that will enable me to continue my life’s work:
      • For the conservation of wild places and their preservation through donated funds earned by my photography.
      • As a full-time occupation, thus ensuring my own survival.
      • Through higher education, workshops and the teaching of fine art photography.
      • As a unique investment designed to increase both the appreciation of wild places and the value of my work as fine art.
      • Through philanthropic contributors who share my concerns.
      • Through exhibition in museums, educational institutions, environmental groups and other public venues, as well as private and corporate collections.
      • For the benefit of people and organizations advocating wild places.